We went for his checkup on Friday and he is progressing very well! The specialist was really impressed with his head growth over the last three weeks. There are so many different calculations involved with tracking plagiocephaly. Overall circumference, vertical and horizontal measurements, distance from eyes to ears on both sides, etc. To sum it up, the numbers are looking great! Jerry (Walt's specialist) did mention that it is common to see a lot of progress early on and then it tends to level out and become more of a gradual progression. We came down 3 numbers over the last three weeks and he anticipates coming down half a number by the next visit in three weeks. So we went from an 8 to a 5 and our goal is to be at a 4.5 next visit, 4 the next, and so on until we reach our final goal of 0-2.
Physical therapy is going well. Walt is doing better with his torticollis. We have noticed that he has gained a lot of neck strength, and although he still "prefers" his head tilted to the left and looking to the right, his range of motion is much better and he is doing better keeping his head centered as opposed to tilting when pushed up on his arms while on his tummy. Celia, Walt's Physical therapist, seems to be pleased and says that we may try to go from once every week to once every two weeks and see how he does.
We are so proud of our little man and praying each and every day for the remainder of our journey to be just as successful as the past three weeks have been!
Walt's three bones to represent the three weeks in his helmet! (We are hoping we won't have too many of these, even though they are so cute! ;) haha)
The Gibbs Family
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